Blending well-being with environmental practices and elements to ensure a holistic view and behavior towards sustainable healthy living

This two-day module presents key information about how to promote health with permaculture.
Learners explore how to use permaculture as a foundation to support healthy attitudes and lifestyles for themselves, their families, friends and communities. The workshop is designed to expand awareness, shift perceptions around food, and empower participants with practical skills to be healthy.

Who should participate?

The training is useful for anyone interested in improving their health but is especially useful for:

  • Community health workers, nurses and clinic staff
  • School feeding scheme volunteers
  • Permaculture gardeners and co-op members
  • School Teachers
  • Mothers wanting to raise healthy, strong and clever children
  • Sportsmen who want to improve their general health and wellbeing
  • People living with HIV/AIDS or chronic illnesses like Diabetes and Hypertension